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Life in the SHED
by General James Green
ON PAGE 8 of Maura Schmierer’s court declaration (Jan. 12, 1989), she begins her “pitiful” retelling of her “LIFE IN THE SHED.” * Never once in her TV/newspaper interviews, does she mention “the shed” being a children’s clubhouse (she makes mention of it on p. 8 of her Testimony Under Oath — TUO). She always described it in horrid terms — dark, mildewy, no windows, no bathroom, etc. In reality, it was quite accommodating (not 5x10 feet with a low ceiling): it had a large window, and was actually two stories.
Here she plainly stated that she lived (“imprisoned” was the word used later) for approximately two and one half months (or 10 weeks). But on all her TV interviews and newspaper interviews she mostly claimed “6 MONTHS IN THE DREARY SHED!”
Continually, on pg. 8, she states, “Several times Bernard Banderas [whom she also sued] ordered us to remain ‘confined’ to our quarters sometimes for as many as four to five days in a row [not the mean ol’ Generals this time!].” Note the following: “Although we were allowed to use the toilet in the chop shop … we had to resort to a tin can for a toilet.” Quite different from what she says on the Dr. Phil TV show (2006) — SHE IMPLIES THAT SHE NEVER WASHED, OR WENT TO THE TOILET, FOR 6 MONTHS !!
On page 9 she mentions a female companion (Jacque) who joined her — the same Jacque who wrote, “Setting the Record Straight,” refuting Maura’s LIE that she was “all alone” in the shed for 6 months.
Note also this: “Banderas would always beat on our [— ‘our’ means at least 2 people!] door in the morning … and yell, ‘Time to work!!!’” Maura always stated that she never left the shed, not even for work, for 6 months! But here, she goes into great detail about all the “work” she had to do. Who didn’t work at Ft. Freedom, our very busy Headquarters?
Note this: [pg. 11 —] “For 2½ months we were forced to live [note that word FORCED!] in the shed; we were ONLY given 6 stale white bread [SKIMPY!! HA!!!] peanut-butter sandwiches per day — NOTHING ELSE.” Poor Momma Maura! STARVING!! She never tells about all the meals she ate in the mess hall during periods of this “6 month incarceration” — THE SAME MEALS ALL ACMTC MEMBERS ATE. Is not this deceit? A HORRIBLE, TREACHEROUS LIE?
Note this [p. 11]: “We had to get permission to leave camp and we were told to hurry back.” Ah, but Maura tells the public that she was IN PRISON FOR 6 MONTHS! She also mentions (on p. 11) having $$ to spend.
The fact is, both her and Jacque worked at one of ACMTC’s art shops, earning a salary. But NEVER ONCE does she mention this to the public. Deceit?
Note this (p. 11): “For 6 months, from January to July, with few exceptions, I was not allowed to talk to anybody and no body, including my children … it was like being in solitary confinement.” The truth was, she talked to many ACMTC members, and even had Steven (her very young son) live with her. She never tells the public this. Deceit?
Note this (p. 12): “My main reason for STAYING and SUFFERING this intense emotional humiliation was the hope that I would be reunited with my family.” What about Bobby Boy’s statements that we PHYSICALLY restrained you? What about all those media interviews wherein you told the public you were FORCED (by the mean ol’ Generals!) to live “like an animal” for 6 MONTHS? (See our Px2 Files Trilogy, Book #1, pgs. 22-33 for quotes from various newspaper articles).
On page 13, Maura finishes up with her life “in the shed.” Here we find Lisa (a THIRD person — NICE “SOLITARY CONFINEMENT”!!!) being “ORDERED to join us in the shed.” Maura never mentions this to the public, either — 3 in the shed. Note the last paragraph: “At night we could fit curled up sideways. Water seeped in from the floor and by morning my blanket was wet.” Poor thing! The truth was, they lived on the second floor: the first was used for ACMTC’s food distribution — and it had a stove, a big window (through which the food was handed out) and an UNLOCKED DOOR!
Starting on p. 13 - p. 26, Maura describes her ordeal in various living quarters, something ELSE she has kept from the public all these years. It’s because her WHOLE trump card was “the shed” escapade — being “FORCED” to live “like an animal,” starved, with no children.
Reporter Dale Vargas (March 16, 1988), writes: “[Maura Schmierer], who had been a member of the group [a captain] since 1982, was VIRTUALLY IMPRISONED last January…” He continues, “[Maura Schmierer] said she was FORCED for the next 6 months to live in tiny quarters and do menial work at the group’s compound.”
Vargas mentions “6 months” all through his article (in the Sacramento Bee).
On the Dr. Phil show, Maura says: “I was not allowed to see or talk to my children for 6 months [but Dr. Phil himself quotes ‘10 weeks’ in ‘the shed’] … There were no windows in the shed and it was full of mildew and you couldn’t stand upright [ANOTHER LIE! How did people stand in there and distribute food, then?!]. NO BATHROOM or SHOWER for 6 months.”
Towards the end of the show, Dr. Phil (realizing that her story didn’t match up) asked her about being PHYSICALLY “locked up.” Maura replied: “… they put me out in the shed … [seriously note the following — ] the door was NOT LOCKED. I COULD HAVE LEFT …” Both Maura and her crafty lying lawyer, made it out that we (the ol’ mean Generals) PHYSICALLY HELD HER CAPTIVE. NOW she claims (on her blog), “I NEVER claimed I was physically locked inside there, it’s more like I was physically locked out.”
Nothing like DENIAL.
Even in her telling the TRUTH, she LIES!!!
* The infamous “unheated, unlighted, 5-by-12-foot shed” was a nice 8-by-12-foot two-story clubhouse with two extensions, one being 4-by-4 foot with a window, the other 4-by-6 foot with a wood stove. And this two-story clubhouse, besides having a window and a wood stove, was fully carpeted and powered with electricity. By missionary standards, it was quite luxurious.